Monday, December 11, 2006

Recordando a Cruzada no Chile

"People cannot imagine in Europe how ruined [Chile under Allende] was. They don’t know what happened... The Marxists, with the knowledge and approval of Salvador Allende, had brought into Chile innumerable arsenals of weapons which they kept in private houses, offices, factories, warehouses. The world doesn’t know that the Chilean Marxists had at their disposal armaments superior in number and quality to those of the army, enough for over thirty thousand men... The military saved Chile for all of us... Civil war had been perfectly prepared by the Marxists. And that is what the world does not know or does not want to know. The military were called in, and they fulfilled a legal obligation, because the Executive and the Judicial Power, the Congress and the Supreme Court had publicly denounced the President and his government for their infractions of the Constitution... Allende’s aim was to install communism by violent and undemocratic means, and when the democrats who had been tricked realised the scale of the trap that had been set it was already too late. Already the masses of guerillas were armed and well prepared for their planned extermination of the military leaders." (cont.)

Não. Isto não foi dito por nenhum perigoso fascista, mas sim pelo antigo presidente Eduardo Frei, democrata-cristão, eleitíssimo segundo todos os cânones demo-liberais e mais algum, em entrevista ao ABC de Madrid, a 10 de outubro do ano de Nosso Senhor de 1973. Quem desejar conhecer a verdade sobre o Chile durante e depois do camarada Allende, não deixe de ler o texto A Tale of two Chileans, de Robin Harris, de onde extrai-se a passagem anterior. Não está fácil encontrar o trabalho de Harris na Internet... Se calhar a brigada do "politicamente correcto" e escandalosamente falso já andou a fazer a sua pirataria - em nome da "liberdade" e da "democracia", claro está.


At 11 December, 2006 11:54 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Y el amigo Garzón.....¿Pretendiendo impartir justicia en las "colonias ultramarinas" 200 años después ?

At 11 December, 2006 12:10 , Blogger Marcos Pinho de Escobar said...

Pobre tipo... qué va hacer ahora el juezito garzóncito?

At 11 December, 2006 12:47 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Muchas gracias por el comentario en mi blog.
Fuerte abrazo,
Claudio Téllez

At 11 December, 2006 15:39 , Blogger Marcos Pinho de Escobar said...

Estimado Claudio,
Gran texto el suyo. Que vengan muchos más!
Abrazo amigo.


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